Investment projects with scope: West Dunbartonshire

Total budget £155,000

Clifftop Projects

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a social enterprise engaging people in West Dunbartonshire with the arts. We are passionate about breaking down barriers, or perceived barriers, to participation. We work in areas of deprivation and with people with additional support needs. We will run a number of trips for young people aged 3-25 to see professional theatre/performance. Young people aged 3-25 from throughout West Dunbartonshire will benefit from the project. Our aim is to have 100 people attend the theatre as a part of this project. 


Food for Thought

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a foodbank serving West Dunbartonshire, our main office is based in Dumbarton. We provide support to children and families affected by poverty and food insecurity in West Dunbartonshire.  We will use this funding to continue to buy food stock for the foodbank and continue our community soup project.


Bellsmyre Digital

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

In this club 8-16 year olds will learn in a fun space filled with cutting edge technology. Sometimes they will be working with visiting experts.  We’ll be offering youngsters in the area chance to learn new and exciting tech skills. We’re keen to start up a 3D printing club - but with much more to it. 8-16 yr olds in West Dunbartonshire will benefit from this project.


Skylark 1X Recovery Trust

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

The WW2 Dunkirk little ship, the Skylark IX’s story of hope and resilience is what inspires all of our Community Engagement activity, alongside the people we work with. Weekly, five adults in recovery and one retired community member participate in our boatbuilding programme based in the Denny Tank Museum, Dumbarton.  We also have 14 members of the community who engage weekly in our textile group based in the Lennox Evangelical Church. Over the past few years we have continued to engage with young people in schools and local community centres, as well as running our own youth sessions outside, locally, all around West Dunbartonshire.  Our regular Community Engagement activities helps to reduce social isolation, and creates opportunities for skills building in a meaningful, inclusive, therapeutic and collaborative way, developing our Skylark IX Crew Culture, which makes everyone involved feel a part of something for their collective or individual goals and aspirations.   We intend to have Skylark IX Rowing School Summer sessions running twice weekly for 6 weeks through July and August 2023, specifically targeting young people ranging from ages 12-25. These sessions will be based out at Balloch on Loch Lomond and the River Leven at our base by the Maid of the Loch. We will utilise funding to bring in support and expertise from partnering organisations such as Royal West Amateur Rowing Club, alongside our own team of trained volunteers from our current programmes/rowing school members and employ a sessional youth worker to support the logistics and operational support of the project engaging with the young people too.  We will purchase any necessary extra water safety equipment (i.e. life jackets) and buy materials for our boatbuilders to produce smaller oars. We will also utilise a bit of contingency for any other potential amendments to our wooden boats or adjustments that may need to be resolved in the workshop, to ensure our boats are fully accessible for any young person wishing to be participate. This will be a free activity for young people, where they will be supported with safe travel where required, to and from our sessions, and we will help tackle holiday hunger by providing ample amounts of healthy breakfasts, lunches, water and snacks for all involved.  We will also purchase Crew T-shirts and beanies to gift to the young people involved, to evoke further becoming part of "The Skylark IX Crew".


Dumbarton Shoto Budo

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Dumbarton Shoto Budo is based out of the Concord Community Centre in Dumbarton. At present our group consists of approximately 30 members made up of people aged between 5 and 62. Our primary focus is Self-Defence and all of our sessions are developed around this. This funding will be used to cover the cost of renting the hall and our participants memberships and insurances which at present is our biggest expenditure.


Clyde Shopmobility

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a Shopmobility centre, based in Clyde Shopping Centre.  We offer provision to people who may require assistance to get out and about, especially in the shopping centre. We are aware of the social isolation and want to start up a Boccia group which is suitable for people of all abilities and ages.  We also want to encourage young people to come along.  Boccia is a paralympic sport and we would look to join Disability Sports Scotland to get support from them.


Bonhill Community Garden

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a community group based in Braehead, Bonhill. We currently have 25 members and are open to volunteers from other groups, schools and nurseries to join. We are applying for funding to make improvements to the community seating Area, Create Light, Physical Activity to garden users and improve shelter areas.


Dumbarton Academy Parent Council

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a newly formed Parent Council. We represent the entire parent forum of Dumbarton Academy, and seek to improve educational and social experiences for all pupils at the school. We are committed to reducing inequity and in promoting recovery from the pandemic through opportunities to improve the Health and Wellbeing of our young people. We will establish a Sports Clothing bank within Dumbarton Academy, thus widening access to sports and wellbeing activities for young people and ensuring equity of opportunity. We don’t want any young people to miss out on health and wellbeing opportunities due to cost. The 605 pupils at Dumbarton Academy will benefit. 


Haldane Youth Services

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

Haldane Youth services is a grassroots community project.                    

Happy Minds project would like to develop and encourage our children and young people's emotional and physical wellbeing by participating in a plethora of activities and events throughout the year.These activities will empower children and young people to have their say regarding mental health and wellbeing, participate in group sessions and provide them with transferable skills. This will allow the members to boost their confidence and self-esteem, enable them to build their own toolkit with the necessary steps to understand, manage and cope with mental health and wellbeing issues. Enabling young people to move from adolescence to adulthood. Most of these sessions will take place within our building on a weekly basis throughout the year.This will benefit our current. . We will also encourage parents and friends from the local community to volunteer with our projects, providing training where required, hopefully building on their mental health and wellbeing


Knoxland Parent Council

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a parent council of approximately 15 members supporting 350 pupils within the school. We do this by meeting regularly with school senior leaders to discuss school issues and ways the parent council can support the school.  We do regular fundraising that helps to supplement school funds, which are used to enhance the children’s educational experience.   Fundraising is done through events such as Christmas and spring fairs, bounce-a-thons, sponsored walks.  The money will be used to purchase Chromebooks for Knoxland Primary School. This will benefit all children, teaching and support staff within the school environment, giving them access to a wider range of resources and digitally enabled lessons.
