Investment projects with scope: West Dunbartonshire

Total budget £155,000

Centre 81 Steering Group

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Centre81 Steering group are based in Centre81 in Whitecrook and provide activities for local young people and their families.  We try to provide consistent weekly sessions focusing on arts, sports, cooking, and other activities that provide not only fun but a range of soft skills and build relationships within our community.  We are applying for funding to continue providing these opportunites for young people in 2023.


1st Glen Lusset Scout Group

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We run our Scout activities from the Scout Hall, Old Kilpatrick. We currently have 82 members within the group.The weekly meetings are structured to allow time for play and learning new skills through organised and approved badge work. If we were successful in our application, we would like to replace the current Xpelair fan heaters with a Mitsubishi Heavy Industry 10KW R32 multi-split air conditioner unit. This unit uses lower GWP refrigerant. Therefore, this new unit would substantially reduce our energy consumption, provide a cleaner air source as well as cutting our carbon footprint. In addition to the use by the whole of the Scout Group the facility is also used by other community groups including, a local theatre group, toddler's music group and a ballroom dancing group.


Bags Full of Love

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Bags Full of Love is a charity operating in West Dunbartonshire for children in Foster & kinship care. We provide children coming in to care with a backpack filled with new essential items and clothing so that the carer does not have to rush out shopping and can spend quality time getting to know the child in their care, this also gives the child a chance to settle in their new home and have new items just for them which gives comfort on probably the worst day of their lives. The money will be used for buying stock for our bags and for as each bag costs between £70-£100 depending on the childs age.  Last year we distributed 45 bags to children in West Dunbartonshire.


Made with Love

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a non-profit Community Project run by 3 members and our Project We run this Project from home and have no overheads.  We apply for Grants and accept donations to help families in need. Every penny donated is used to help families in Clydebank facing food insecurities. We work closely with all Head Teachers of the 17 Schools and also 3 Nurseies within the area.  We also liase with the Support Team from Working4U who also identify families that are in need outwith the school system.  We apply for numerous Grants and ask  locally for donations.  We are trying to give vouchers out as often as we can and at present we give out vouchers before most school breaks.  We also provide extra vouchers to schools so that they can purchase breakfast bars or snacks for children who would otherwise go without. We will buy 167 £30 Aldi Vouchers.  this will benefit families who live in Clydebank area.


Strathclyde Autistic Society

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are based in Centre81 in Clydebank, we run an art and sport club on a Friday night and Saturday morning this service is for children who have autism, siblings are also welcome. Parents have an area provided for parents who want to stay and chat through the sessionsWe will use the funding to expand the group to meet the demand as we are getting new referrals weekly. This will benefit Children and families affected by Autism.
