Investment projects with scope: West Dunbartonshire

Total budget £155,000

Strathclyde Autistic Society

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are based in Centre81 in Clydebank, we run an art and sport club on a Friday night and Saturday morning this service is for children who have autism, siblings are also welcome. Parents have an area provided for parents who want to stay and chat through the sessionsWe will use the funding to expand the group to meet the demand as we are getting new referrals weekly. This will benefit Children and families affected by Autism.


Made with Love

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a non-profit Community Project run by 3 members and our Project We run this Project from home and have no overheads.  We apply for Grants and accept donations to help families in need. Every penny donated is used to help families in Clydebank facing food insecurities. We work closely with all Head Teachers of the 17 Schools and also 3 Nurseies within the area.  We also liase with the Support Team from Working4U who also identify families that are in need outwith the school system.  We apply for numerous Grants and ask  locally for donations.  We are trying to give vouchers out as often as we can and at present we give out vouchers before most school breaks.  We also provide extra vouchers to schools so that they can purchase breakfast bars or snacks for children who would otherwise go without. We will buy 167 £30 Aldi Vouchers.  this will benefit families who live in Clydebank area.


Vale of Leven Football & Athletic Club

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a Football Club with a youth Academy based in Alexandria, we have 252 playing members and 52 non playing members. The money will be used to help with the cost of facility hire and to relieve the financial burden in families due to the cost-of-living crisis. This will benefit Our members within our community.


Clydebank Community Sports Hub

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Clydebank Community Sport Hub (CCSH) was formed in 2012 when 4 local sports clubs came together with the vision of creating a hub facility that would not only provide a home for the clubs but also deliver a variety of outcomes to benefit the wider community. Our project will provide sport and physical activity sessions and workshops on Friday evenings at Clydebank Community Sport Hub for young people aged 11-16 years. The main beneficiaries will be the young people who engage in the project. We will advertise the project through the existing clubs and partner organisations and also ask other local organisations and schools to promote the project.


Clifftop Projects

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a social enterprise engaging people in West Dunbartonshire with the arts. We are passionate about breaking down barriers, or perceived barriers, to participation. We work in areas of deprivation and with people with additional support needs. We will run a number of trips for young people aged 3-25 to see professional theatre/performance. Young people aged 3-25 from throughout West Dunbartonshire will benefit from the project. Our aim is to have 100 people attend the theatre as a part of this project. 


Police Scotland Youth Volunteering

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

Police Scotland Youth Volunteers are a voluntary organisation, led by Police Scotland and encourages our young people to achieve the best that they can be.  Each group can support up to 24 young people who are mentored by adult volunteers and our aim is to engage with the young people of West Dunbartonshire, release their spirit of adventure and support the local community through various initiatives.   During our evening sessions, our volunteers learn about First Aid, Water Safety, policing, partnership working and the various charities that support their local communities. This develops their skills and confidence and are then put to the test by assisting with voluntary hours at local organisations, events and fund raisers. We also encourage our volunteers into peer-education such as ‘No Knives Better Lives’ and ‘Keep Safe Scotland’.  Each young person can achieve Saltire Award certificates for their voluntary time and accredited qualifications and awards The money provided will allow for young people, from all backgrounds, to join without any restrictions or barriers, (financial or otherwise). Each volunteer must wear a uniform when attending at organised events and although every effort is being made to recycle uniform. Funding is required for the purchase of individual uniform items which both the youth and adult volunteers are required to wear. A full uniforms and suitable footwear for registered volunteers can cost in excess of £150.00 per person.


Benview Resource Centre

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Ben View Resource Centre is a charity based in Dumbarton. A weekly group for young people aged 8-15, providing a variety of sports and physical exercise. We will also be educating young people on the importance of physical movement for mental health. We will be offering a variety in the hope that each young person finds a sport which they enjoy and will continue out with the group. 


Bags Full of Love

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Bags Full of Love is a charity operating in West Dunbartonshire for children in Foster & kinship care. We provide children coming in to care with a backpack filled with new essential items and clothing so that the carer does not have to rush out shopping and can spend quality time getting to know the child in their care, this also gives the child a chance to settle in their new home and have new items just for them which gives comfort on probably the worst day of their lives. The money will be used for buying stock for our bags and for as each bag costs between £70-£100 depending on the childs age.  Last year we distributed 45 bags to children in West Dunbartonshire.


The big Disability Group

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

 are based at 627 Dumbarton Road, Dalmuir, Clydebank G81 4ET. We have 748 members. Normal Group Activities include, Knit + Natter, We Care We Share (Carers Group), Loss of Mobility Support Group, Jewellery Group, Focus Groups, Autism Support and Discussion. Welfare Rights, Disability Rights, Legal Advice, Debt Advice, Energy Advice, Blue Badges, Disabled Bus Passes. We provide all supports for all disabilities/ long term conditions and age groups. We are delivering one to one tutoring in various subjects to help give young kids a better chance at doing well in their subjects at school and to have the same chances of successful employment when they leave  This service is aimed at any young person at school age, for those who are still at school and those who have left school early and feel that there is nothing on offer for them, we want to show them that they can still complete their education and have the same chances at a bright future and career, by getting further education without the pressure of a classroom environment, and in privacy away from any distractions


Awestruck Academy

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Based in the heart of Clydebank serving all ages of our community from art classes, Music Making for adults, Music school for youths, creche area and toddler groups, Gaming, Pool tournaments, Fortnite and FIFA tournaments, Karaoke Club, Magic School, Cooking School for adults and Meditation classes. We are applying for funding for a special filming project that follows teens around their areas who keep saying ‘Nothing to do.. or I’m bored’. This mini documentary film will be a week-long diary of times and places where they can access services in their local community. This will consist of community youth groups within the local area and highlight the activities on offer at certain times and days. We will work with our youth film making group to plan, write, film and edit the documentary as well as take part on screen. The youths within the Clydebank area will have a chance to join our filming group and take part in this fantastic project. This can benefit all the families who have youths that keep hearing.. ‘I’m Bored and there’s nothing to Do…’ 
