Investment projects with scope: West Dunbartonshire

Total budget £155,000

Dumbarton Academy Parent Council

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a newly formed Parent Council. We represent the entire parent forum of Dumbarton Academy, and seek to improve educational and social experiences for all pupils at the school. We are committed to reducing inequity and in promoting recovery from the pandemic through opportunities to improve the Health and Wellbeing of our young people. We will establish a Sports Clothing bank within Dumbarton Academy, thus widening access to sports and wellbeing activities for young people and ensuring equity of opportunity. We don’t want any young people to miss out on health and wellbeing opportunities due to cost. The 605 pupils at Dumbarton Academy will benefit. 


Gavinburn Parent Council

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are Gavinburn Primary School’s Parent Counci who meet on average once a month and our aim is to help promote partnership between the school, its pupils, its parents and the community. We develop and engage in activities throughout the year which support the school, education and welfare of the pupils.  We identify and represent the views of parents on not only the education provided by the school but any matters affecting the school, education and welfare of the pupils. We strive to increase social and well-being opportunities for our pupils and community.  We would like to fund the purchase of outdoor wear for pupils of Gavinburn Primary School.  We will purchase  waterproof jackets and trousers, fleece jackets and wellington boots to allow more outdoor learning for the pupils.  Gavinburn encourages as much outdoor learning as possible and considers itself to be an "outdoor" school.  Our pupils will benefit from this funding.


West Dumbarton Community Foodshare

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

WDCF provides support to anyone affected by poverty and food insecurity in West Dunbartonshire. We provide Emergency Food Parcels, a School Uniform Bank, a Babybank, School Holiday Brunch Bags, a Christmas Toybank and an Emergency Fuel Project.  We provide support by home delivery, delivering across West Dunbartonshire 5 days per week.  Our Emergency food Parcels include ambient food, fresh and frozen food, toiletries, household, Baby food/milk/nappies, and pet food; and each parcel contains enough food for 7 days for the household. The funding will be used for Charity operating costs.  This will benefit anyone living in West Dunbartonshire who is affected by poverty and food insecurity.


Duntocher Blackstars

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We have 56 members we are based in antonine sports centre Duntocher and hub ce centre clydebank  we provide football training and games for kids 6 to 60 we play in pan disability league or aim is to get kids out and play football meeting new friends. The funding will be used for Training equipment hall hire and transport to games. 


Bellsmyre Digital

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

In this club 8-16 year olds will learn in a fun space filled with cutting edge technology. Sometimes they will be working with visiting experts.  We’ll be offering youngsters in the area chance to learn new and exciting tech skills. We’re keen to start up a 3D printing club - but with much more to it. 8-16 yr olds in West Dunbartonshire will benefit from this project.


Bags Full of Love

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Bags Full of Love is a charity operating in West Dunbartonshire for children in Foster & kinship care. We provide children coming in to care with a backpack filled with new essential items and clothing so that the carer does not have to rush out shopping and can spend quality time getting to know the child in their care, this also gives the child a chance to settle in their new home and have new items just for them which gives comfort on probably the worst day of their lives. The money will be used for buying stock for our bags and for as each bag costs between £70-£100 depending on the childs age.  Last year we distributed 45 bags to children in West Dunbartonshire.


The big Disability Group

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

 are based at 627 Dumbarton Road, Dalmuir, Clydebank G81 4ET. We have 748 members. Normal Group Activities include, Knit + Natter, We Care We Share (Carers Group), Loss of Mobility Support Group, Jewellery Group, Focus Groups, Autism Support and Discussion. Welfare Rights, Disability Rights, Legal Advice, Debt Advice, Energy Advice, Blue Badges, Disabled Bus Passes. We provide all supports for all disabilities/ long term conditions and age groups. We are delivering one to one tutoring in various subjects to help give young kids a better chance at doing well in their subjects at school and to have the same chances of successful employment when they leave  This service is aimed at any young person at school age, for those who are still at school and those who have left school early and feel that there is nothing on offer for them, we want to show them that they can still complete their education and have the same chances at a bright future and career, by getting further education without the pressure of a classroom environment, and in privacy away from any distractions


Clyde Shopmobility

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a Shopmobility centre, based in Clyde Shopping Centre.  We offer provision to people who may require assistance to get out and about, especially in the shopping centre. We are aware of the social isolation and want to start up a Boccia group which is suitable for people of all abilities and ages.  We also want to encourage young people to come along.  Boccia is a paralympic sport and we would look to join Disability Sports Scotland to get support from them.


Benview Resource Centre

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

Ben View Resource Centre is a charity based in Dumbarton. A weekly group for young people aged 8-15, providing a variety of sports and physical exercise. We will also be educating young people on the importance of physical movement for mental health. We will be offering a variety in the hope that each young person finds a sport which they enjoy and will continue out with the group. 


Golden Friendship

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are based in Dalmuir at Golden friendships club. We have 500 + members. Our weekly activities include Arts and crafts, Drama, karaoke, Dinner clubs, Bingo clubs, Entertainment, Dancing, Singing. We also have a campaign tackling loneliness and are currently planning outdoor activities and bus trips. Gardening is one of our newest activities.We will use the money to make our new gardening plot accessible. For all. We want to make it wheelchair friendly put in raised bed and other necessary requirements to make gardening available to all. The funds will benefit the members and we will also use some of the money towards our outdoor activities where we will need to travel. 
