Investment projects with scope: West Dunbartonshire

Total budget £155,000

Strathclyde Autistic Society

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are based in Centre81 in Clydebank, we run an art and sport club on a Friday night and Saturday morning this service is for children who have autism, siblings are also welcome. Parents have an area provided for parents who want to stay and chat through the sessionsWe will use the funding to expand the group to meet the demand as we are getting new referrals weekly. This will benefit Children and families affected by Autism.


Haldane Youth Services

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  geraldine.macdonald  •  West Dunbartonshire

Haldane Youth services is a grassroots community project.                    

Happy Minds project would like to develop and encourage our children and young people's emotional and physical wellbeing by participating in a plethora of activities and events throughout the year.These activities will empower children and young people to have their say regarding mental health and wellbeing, participate in group sessions and provide them with transferable skills. This will allow the members to boost their confidence and self-esteem, enable them to build their own toolkit with the necessary steps to understand, manage and cope with mental health and wellbeing issues. Enabling young people to move from adolescence to adulthood. Most of these sessions will take place within our building on a weekly basis throughout the year.This will benefit our current. . We will also encourage parents and friends from the local community to volunteer with our projects, providing training where required, hopefully building on their mental health and wellbeing


1st Glen Lusset Scout Group

2023-02-15  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We run our Scout activities from the Scout Hall, Old Kilpatrick. We currently have 82 members within the group.The weekly meetings are structured to allow time for play and learning new skills through organised and approved badge work. If we were successful in our application, we would like to replace the current Xpelair fan heaters with a Mitsubishi Heavy Industry 10KW R32 multi-split air conditioner unit. This unit uses lower GWP refrigerant. Therefore, this new unit would substantially reduce our energy consumption, provide a cleaner air source as well as cutting our carbon footprint. In addition to the use by the whole of the Scout Group the facility is also used by other community groups including, a local theatre group, toddler's music group and a ballroom dancing group.


Food for Thought

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

We are a foodbank serving West Dunbartonshire, our main office is based in Dumbarton. We provide support to children and families affected by poverty and food insecurity in West Dunbartonshire.  We will use this funding to continue to buy food stock for the foodbank and continue our community soup project.


Dumbarton Rock Recovery

2023-02-16  •  No comments  •  megyn.tyrell  •  West Dunbartonshire

The group is based in Concord CE Centre and has approx. 70-80 members. The group is based in Concord CE Centre and has approx. 70-80 members. The money will be used for the running of the group. Volunteer training, food for the pantry, expenses, activities, uniforms and team building activities.
