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YoungScot Voting Info

Young people aged 8-24 can vote using the YoungScot website here. All you need is your 16 digit YoungScot card number! Those without a number should contact More info on how to cast your vote via YoungScot is below.

Before the vote opens on the– you can visit or talk to your local worker to see details on the choices across your area. When the vote opens,you will have to log in using your young scot or temporary number, and will then only be able to see the constituencies in your own local authority area. If you have moved since your card was issued, you may not be able to vote in the constituency that you expected, in this case, request a temporary number.


Here is the process:





  1. Enter your Young Scot card number

OR a temporary number given to you by a worker

  1. Selecting your constituency

This should be the area you live, work  or go to school.


You can only vote in ONE constituency.


Note that some votes only have one constituency, usually if a poll covers a whole local authority in one go.

  1. Read the instructions on how to vote – it might be one or more choices, most often you have to pick exactly three separate projects

  1. Choosing your projects


You will be instructed to vote for a specific number of projects, it’s important that you stick to this – trying to vote for more candidates, or less than the minimum, will result in your vote being spoilt – it will not count! You can choose to ‘spoil’ your ballot if you don’t not want to make a valid vote.

  1. Check your choices


You will see the projects that you are about to vote for – you can go back if its not right, or click confirm vote to continue

  1. Confirming your vote



Note that you can also ’spoil your ballot’ if you don’t want to choose, but you do not get another chance to vote if you chose this option, if you want more time, simply close the browser before continuing and log in again when you have thought about your decision




….and that’s your vote cast!