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We Kin Heat Chat Eat

K Kinship Care West Dunbartonshire  •  2024-12-12  •  No comments  •  Community Budgeting Phase 7  • 

Investment project code: 73

Estimated Price



We are supporting kinship families with a warm safe space to get a heat have a warm roll or soup and a friendly chat to aleviate food poverty and isolation for kinship families in West Dunbartonshire


We are applying for £2,500 as we don't get any other support  from other agencies

We provide support signposting advice in collaboration with CAB who attend in person bi weekly and also offer support via referrals and phone numbers. We encourage carers to come in and not worry about their heating costs, we want to reduce isolation and we also provide support to over 110 kinship families within West Dunbartonshire 

We will open daily through Winter from 10am till 1.30 to facilitate this for families . 

£500 will be used for food 

The remainder will be spent on continuing support to both our weekly service. This will help with both volunteer and running costs 

We also require a soup urn and extra bowls dishes. 


Location: West Dunbartonshire

Don't have defined milestones