Castle Valley Writers Group
Investment project code: 81
Estimated Price
We are a group of writers who meet up on a regular basis. Most of us within the group have either physical or mental health issues (or both!). Our meetings are invaluable in that we support each other through our problems, and encourage each other to write about our experiences, as well as writing fictional pieces. Writing is a fantastic release of pent-up frustrations, and by doing so we are able to improve our own self-esteem, and have managed to overcome our sense of social isolation.Description
We plan to continue meeting as a group, and plan to publish some of our work by the end of the year in a booklet form. We have applied elsewhere for funding for tutors to help us achieve our aims, but need grass-roots funding to get the project off the ground. We need at least one lap-top, an efficient printer/scanner machine and supplies of paper and ink, as well as note-books, pens, pencils etc. Most of our participants are in receipt of benefits and could not afford to provide these things themselves. We are in a socially deprived part of West Dunbartonshire, but feel we can contribute to the local community with our publication, whilst having the obvious health benefits for any of our members. We hope to receive further funding for help with the publication.
Computers x 2 = £760
Printer £120
Ink (approx £50 per month) £600
Paper £24
Pens/pencils £20
Tea/coffee/biscuits/cups etc £240
Total = £1764
Location: We will hole our meetings, for the foreseeable future, in Alexandria Library, Gilmour St, Alexandria.
Unfeasibility explanation
Does not meet criteria.
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