6th Clydebank Scout food project
Investment project code: 99
Estimated Price
A food poverty project to teach our young people to cook and distribute food to local care homes, hard hit local families and older plus disabled communities within the Clydebank areaDescription
We need to purchase a cooker and cooking utensils, teaching equipment, food, paying utilities and distributing the hot meals to the relevant people. This will involve the beavers (6-8 year olds), Cubs (8-10 year olds) and Scouts (10-14 year old).
beavers will be instructed on how to make basic sandwiches, cubs how to utilise basic equipment such as microwaves and scouts full blowing meals on the cooker. This will be done by looking at menus, getting the appropriate food , ie shopping and then how to prepare the food by chopping and carving food for cooking, then actually cooking the food. We will be advising the young people to time the cooking so that the food will be finished at the same time . We will inform the young people of issues with allergies and as the community is wide and have different cultures we will inform them of the differing types of food that is made through out the world and have respect for these communities,.
we will be distributed to local care homes, distribution to older and disabled people via relavent charities such as Clyde Shopmobility and relevant older people and disabled charities within the town. We will look at people who are isolated in their house and try to engage with them. As the coronavirus virus has lead to more and more people to have mental health issues we will try and engage with this community to ensure vthey can get warm food
This project will benefit the young people within 6th Clydebank Scouts and endeavour the Scouts to have a good presence within the community.
We will then distribute the food appropriately
cooker 900
food 500
utilities 900
distribution 200
Location: Clydebank wide
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