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Knowetop - community food growing
2025-01-12 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
We are requesting funding to help with the cost of a sessional gardener to provide training/ support to our volunteers and plot holders.
In addition to food growing we run a twice weekly wellbeing in nature group, aimed at using greenspace and nature to reduce isolation, encourage people to spend time outdoors and experience the benefits of improved mental health and wellbeing as a result. Attendees can also take part in food growing activities if they wish.
The full cost of establishing the community plots will be in the region of £12,000 to £15,000, we have funding, and offers of in-kind support in place to cover this work.
To help people gain the skills to be successful at food growing, and support our plot holders and volunteers we wish to have a sessional community gardener on site for 3 to 4 hours a week for 30 weeks. Their role will be to plan and deliver workshops / sessions on growing fruit and veg.
Hourly rate for sessional gardener £20 per hour.
Breakdown of costs:
4x£20 = £80 per week 30 weeks @ £80 =£2400
£100 towards cost of seeds for plot holders or to cover volunteer travel expenses if travelling by public transport for volunteer sessions.
Lomond Community Pantry - enhancements to service
2025-01-09 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
Lomond Community Pantry started in October 2024 providing food provision for anyone in need living in the G83 postcode. Anyone in the community can register as members and receive 10 items of consumables for £3 each week, without having to prove that they are in food poverty, thus reducing the stigma of being in need of welfare support. We are open on Thursdays from 4pm-8pm, and Fridays 10am-4pm and have 92 members registered, over 25 volunteers helping with the running of the Pantry. We have repurposed the old BB hall in Jamestown as the Pantry and are grateful to West Dumbarton Council, Lomond Parish Church, Haldane Tenants and Residents Association and several local companies/groups for support in refurbishing the hall and establishing the food supply. Registration as an SCIO (053796) was received in November 2024 allowing us to open a charitable bank account on 3rd January 2025, during 2024 our finances were managed as a restricted fund by Lomond Parish Church.
Our projection for running costs for 2025 is £16000, covering food provision (£9k), electricity (heating), insurance, rental (£5k), sundries (£2k). We will receive a revenue grant of £3000 from WDC Cost of Living Welfare fund, and food donations from various groups in the Vale of Leven Area, but we will require additional grant funding to sustain the Pantry, so a contribution of £450 for food provision and £500 towards heating costs would be appreciated. We need to instal a compliant fire exit which will cost £630 (hopefully fitted by volunteers). While the WDC Community Payback team were installing level access to the Pantry, they had to remove the security gates and we need to replace these at a cost of £900 since the old ones were a H&S risk. The intention is that ownership of the building will be transferred from Lomond Parish Church to Lomond Community Pantry during 2025, and we have permission from the Church to carry out the changes to the fabric of the building.
Such is the demand, the Trustee Board are reviewing the opening hours to extend coverage to the beginning of the week. We have made arrangements with local care workers to pick up supplies on behalf of members living in local sheltered housing, and have provided emergency food supplies for West Dumbarton Woman's refuge. We've also had support from Balloch School Campus and made sure that all schools in G83 postcode know of our existance and can pass information to parents who may be in need. Over the winter we have been providing a hot drink/ soup and biscuits to members, have a book library, and a limited school uniform bank.
OKFP Warm Hub
2024-12-18 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
We are applying for funding to help towards our utility costs over the colder months when our bills are at an all time high. We run a food pantry, community cafe, warm hub and laundry service to vulnerable families who are struggling in financial hardship. Our running costs have increased by 30% since last year as a result of a surge in the demand for our services. an average of 400 families visit us on a monthly basis and it's important that our building is warm, inviting and welcoming especially during the colder months. our heating costs are averaging £1,200 although we haven't yet had a winter period in our new premises therefore we are very worried about what kind of increase we may see.
DBC Community Pantry & Drop in Cafe
2024-12-10 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
We are applying for £500 to purchase food for our community pantry which is currently supporting up to 150 people/families every week. Our drop in cafe offers a free two course hot meal cooked fresh on our premises. Over the winter we are a warm hub for families who are struggling to heat their homes and also feed their children. We provide vochers for warm clothing along with gas and electricity support for vulnerable adults and families. The additional £2000 will enable us to support more families within West Dunbartonshire and continue to provide a warm safe place for our clients.
Castle Valley Writers Group
2025-01-07 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
We plan to continue meeting as a group, and plan to publish some of our work by the end of the year in a booklet form. We have applied elsewhere for funding for tutors to help us achieve our aims, but need grass-roots funding to get the project off the ground. We need at least one lap-top, an efficient printer/scanner machine and supplies of paper and ink, as well as note-books, pens, pencils etc. Most of our participants are in receipt of benefits and could not afford to provide these things themselves. We are in a socially deprived part of West Dunbartonshire, but feel we can contribute to the local community with our publication, whilst having the obvious health benefits for any of our members. We hope to receive further funding for help with the publication.
Computers x 2 = £760
Printer £120
Ink (approx £50 per month) £600
Paper £24
Pens/pencils £20
Tea/coffee/biscuits/cups etc £240
Total = £1764
flourishing faifley
2025-01-09 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
£500 (£25 a session) to parent and toddler group to run for 10 weeks offering warm food to parents, carers and kids
£500 (£35 a session) to family arts and crafts to run for 15 weeks offering warm food to parents, carers and kids
£500 (£40 a session) to mens mental health group to run for 12 weeks offering warm food to those attending
£500 (£40 a session) to womens walking and social group to run for 12 weeks offering warm food to those attending
£250 (£25 a session) to adults ceramics group to run for 10 weeks offering warm food to those attending
£250 (£25 a session) to the book club to run for 10 weeks offering warm food to those attending
Bonhill Community Garden
2025-01-10 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
We grow our organic crops, in an off grid environment & share them free around our community. Since our earliest days, we have had the aim to be able to offer a social cooking oportunity where we sow, grow, harvest & cook our own vegetables on site. We have gained the necessary skills over the last few years & are now ready to expand & to do this we need a power source. The most economic way to do this is to install a generator with electric hook up & we need your help to establish this system. This would open up the opportunity for a wider community involvement bringing home the ease & value of simple , on the spot, crop growing techniques from plot to the pot. No lingering transport miles/expense/time involvement-we can access our own fresh, healthy produce, full of the best of nutritional values, on our doorstep. Plus the added bonus of sharing, caring and growing in our understanding of each other as we grow through each season. Creating this warm welcome space will provide much needed respite & shelter from this ongoing, harsh climate of food & fuel poverty that deeply prevails within our community.
Lets' Get Cooking 2025
2025-01-21 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
During 2024 our group delivered a key cooking programme enabling 33 community members to come together to learn key skills in cooking based on low budget recipes. This programme focussed solely on providing skills to women, this year we want to enable the group to encourage both men and women to get involved in our programme. Being able to deliver the programme to a wider group will enable this programme to reach a wider audience of people. Having successfully delivered the programme in 2024 enabled the group to reflect on the impact on social isolation; bringing 33 separate people together to form a social learning group, making friends with people that some of the group had never met before. Friendships quickly formed during the learning process, increasing friendships and relationships with groups of people who may never have met if not for a common goal in learning to cook on a budget. Following reflections with the group it was decided to offer a more wider menu this time to enable people with a more secluded diet rather than mainstream from last year. It became apparent to the group that many including some of our members are forced to follow a strict diet, therefore to design and create a menu to accommodate other dietary needs would prove beneficial to a wide community as well as enabling other mainstream eaters to a new programme. Priority would be given to those who are reliant on strict dietary needs this time as well emabling men to join the women in the learning. This would be the first time where men would be encouraged to get involved in group activities apart from during school holiday programmes. There is apprehension on how this might be having men attend but able to welcome some men along to join in the learning.
A further aspect which was developed was that of the family bond, one family had three different generations learning to cook on a budget, enabling each of the members to develop key skiills; having a laugh together deciding to make learning fun for all involved, a further hope for the future programme that other families will get involved in learning key skills. One member of this family had previously relied on fast foods to feed their family, having learned how to use kitchen equipment safely this enabled them to learn how to prepare fresh ingredients for their young child, who now regularly enjoys fresh vegetables as a snack at school rather than junk food.
Dumbarton West area forms part of West Dunbartonshire. listed third in the social deprivation index comprising of many negative trends such as child poverty and adult poverty trends. Many people living in this area are reliant on welfare benefits to provide financial assistance to their families. Many generations do not have the skills and knowledge on how to cook healthy meals. During COVID 2019 the introduction of readily available mobile apps for ordering fast food and still popular some six years on, making cooking regular meals less appealing to the generations of today, preferring reliance on more conviennce foods to that of healthier options.
Empowering Women primarily aims to reduce mental health in women aged 16+, exploring eating healthy improves mental health in a variety of ways: eating healthy over a long period of time improves on physical wellbeing as well as social wellbeing and emotional wellbeing. Looking after our body both internal and external not only provides the body with nourishment but also cuts down on the need for medical appointments and reduces long term heath conditions. People who engage in lifelong learning skills are more likely to live longer.
Funding will pay for the programme to run for a period of five months during 2025: May, June, August, September, October and November, bringing in season foods to enable the group to explore different recipes in a peer learning style. Each week the group will consult on which recipes they would like to cook. The first week will explore the benefits of eating healthy, briefly examine health condtions caused by not eating healthy and familiarise them with the kitchen and the equipment they will be using. The first week will enable the group to meet each other, discuss future recipes and plan for future sessions between them. It is hoped each of the members will take a turn on delivering a session to each other. Any member not comfortable with this task can be supported by other members to deliver the sessions as a couple or as a smaller group of people to ensure no participant is left out from the leadership role. This role enables participants to get invovled in all aspects of the sessions and to empower them in their learning.
Funding will cover venue let @ a cost of £60 per session - totalling £1260. The other costs will be met for purchasing food for each session: based on a cost of £5.00 per person; totalling £1.155 for 5 months based on providing good quality ingredients at a local low cost supermarket based in Dumbarton. Promotion for the programme will be done over social media pages operated by Empowering Women and word of mouth.
St.Michael's Parent and Tots
2024-12-17 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
TOYS £700
BOOKS £100
TEA/COFFEE etc £100
Community Laundry and Repair - The Recycle Room
2024-12-09 • No comments • • Community Budgeting Phase 7
The Community Laundry already has 2 washing machines, 2 tumble dryers, 2 irons and 2 ironing boards. We also have various equipment for basic repairs. we are looking to expand this and also help with the cost of running these so that the community have ongoing access when they need it as we are open 7 days a week currently.
Sewing machines x 2 = £200
Tool Boxes with basic tools x 2 = £300
Fabric repair items x 2 = £300
Instruction = £500
running costs = £1000
advertising = £200