Participatory budgets

PBIP Community Grants - Small Projects

Voting has now closed

Help with participatory budgets

Current phase

Reviewing voting

Participatory budgets phases



West Dunbartonshire Council has allocated £471,000 from its Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) funding to be used as Community Grants. Community groups based or delivering services within West Dunbartonshire are now able to apply for new capital funding for their projects.

The money is split into a small grants lot (£71k for bids of up to £5,000) and a large grants lot (£400k for bids of £50,000 or more). Both grants must be used for capital investments, which means they can used for equipment or property upgrades but not for the ongoing running costs of an organisation.

West Dunbartonshire Council is using the Participatory Budgeting (PB) method to administer the Small Grants Fund. This follows the process that the Council’s Communities team used when administering the Community Budgeting Phase 6 fund. PB is a democratic process which involves citizens directly in making decisions about budgets.

PB is part of a wider agenda for engaging communities, developing participatory democracy and public services reform. It also links to the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and helps to deliver the public sector equality duty by advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations between different groups.

Community groups and voluntary organisations across West Dunbartonshire are invited to make applications for funding of up to £5,000 to fund small capital projects which align with their aspirations and need

Accepting projects


Applications will be accepted up until the Grant deadline on 23 January 2024. 

They and can be made using the PBIP Application Form which is available on the council website here.

Each application will be screened by the Council, with successful applicants being able to promote themselves on the Council’s Consul Website.

Local people will then have the opportunity to vote for their preferred group and project. 

Reviewing projects


The Council will assess every application to the Small Grants Fund in order to determine whether their projects meet the grant's core criteria. If projects are deemed to be elgible, they will be uploaded to this website and put forward for public vote. 

Voting projects


Voting for the PBIP Small Grants projects will be open from 8th Feburary to 22nd February. 


Vote for your favourite project now!

Reviewing voting


West Dunbartonshire is reviewing the PBIP Small Grants public vote, and will aim to annouce the winners in early March. 

Grant Award


Winners of the public vote will be published on 1st March 2024. 

Small Projects Grant Fund


List of investments

The current Alexandria Noticeboard.
Price £4,500

Alexandria Community Council - New Noticeboards

2024-01-24  •  No comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Price £5,000

West Dunbartonshire Community Swim Meets

2024-01-24  •  38 comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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St Joseph's - New Community Health and Wellbeing/ Sports Hub Equipment
Price £5,000

St Joseph's - New Community Health and Wellbeing/ Sports Hub Equipment

2024-01-24  •  No comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Claire Burns School of Dance - New equipment for teaching less-abled children
Price £2,430

Claire Burns School of Dance - New equipment for teaching less-abled children

2024-01-24  •  19 comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Screenshot of Old Kilpatrick map from
Price £4,980

Old Kilpatrick Community-led Local Place Plan

2024-01-24  •  No comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Gavinburn Primary playgound as it is now.
Price £4,999

Gavinburn Primary - New Playground Play Provision

2024-01-24  •  2 comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Kinship Care West Dunbartonshire - Wee Kin Kitchen
Price £5,000

Kinship Care West Dunbartonshire - Wee Kin Kitchen

2024-01-24  •  No comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Clyde Shopmobility
Price £5,000

Clyde Shopmobility

2024-01-24  •  No comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Milton Village Hall
Price £4,950

Milton Village Community Group - Community Hall Refurb

2024-01-24  •  9 comments  •  Calum McConnachie  •  Small Projects Grant Fund

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Help with participatory budgets

With the participatory budgets the citizens decide to which projects is destined a part of the budget.